Joko Dolog Statue

Joko Dolog can be found on Taman Aspari Street. This statue is a Buddhist statue. It is said to have been made in the year 1289 in honor of the funeral of King Kertanagara, who was the last king of Singosari. It is believed to have been carried to Surabaya about 300 years ago. The statue can be found directly in front of the mansion of the governor of East Java, and the aroma of incense remains in the air as it is still a popular pilgrimage site.

A stone image of the Buddha Akshobya, curiously matching the description of the ‘"missing statue" at Candi Jawi, can be found today in a small secluded park in Surabaya. Known locally as Joko Dolog, the statue displays a lengthy Sanskrit inscription, carved neatly around its base. When it was translated for the first time early this century, the inscription was found to reveal important historical information dating from the period immediately prior to the founding of Majapahit. Translated in the year 1289 by a Buddhist scribe named Nada, the contents are roughly as follows

It is said that many years ago, the sage Mpu Bharada divided the land of Java into the kingdoms of Janggala and Panjalu (Kediri), with the purpose of settling a dispute between two brothers over succession. The division was created magically, by means of holy water sprinkled out of a jar from the sky. However, during the reign of Sri Wishnuwardhana the country was reunited to the joy and benefit of all. The ruler, of whom the statue is said to be a portrait, was Wishnuwardhana’s son, Kertanagara, who commissioned the image as a symbol of this unification.

The information contained in the Joko Dolog inscription is especially interesting because it appears to establish the authenticity of certain historical figures and events, previously known only from ancient Javanese literature. The story of the division of Java by the sage Mpu Bharada is of course well known, and refers to the reign of King Airlangga in the 11th century. On the other hand, by giving Wishnuwardhana the credit for having reunited the country, the inscription has cast some doubt upon the reliability of traditional literary sources. This is true in regards to the story of Ken Angrok and Ken Dedes, which has been dismissed by some as complete fabrication.

Yet, since the 1975 discovery of a number of inscribed copper sheets originating from the region of Kediri, new light has been shed on the early years of the Singosari period. Known as the inscription of Mula Malurung, issued by King Kertanagara in 1255, it mentions the names of Wishnuwardhana, Tohjaya, as well as a number of other kings who have previously been unknown to historians. Finally, and most interestingly, the Mula Malurung inscription appears to suggest the existence of Ken Angrok, thus at least confirming a historical basis for a story which was regarded almost entirely as a myth.

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang | Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati | Oes Tsetnoc

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang – Kabupaten Pandeglang, adalah sebuah kabupaten di Provinsi Banten, Indonesia. Kabupaten Pandeglang yang berada di Profinsi Banten ini, secara geografis berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Serang di utara, Kabupaten Lebak di Timur, serta Samudra Indonesia di barat dan selatan. Luas wilayahnya sejauh 2.747 km2 dengan jumlah penduduk sebesar 1,5 juta jiwa dan terdiri dari 35 Kecamatan. Wilayahnya yang cukup luas karena terbentang dari daratan sampai ke Pulau Panaitan sampai pulau-pulau kecil di Samudera Hindia seperti Pulau Deli dan Pulau Tinjil.
Sebagian besar wilayahnya adalah dataran rendah, namun di bagian selatan terdapat rangkaian pegunungan serta terdapat beberapa sungai yang mengalir melewatinya yaitu Sungai Ciliman dan Sungai Cibalung. Dengan kondisi wilayah seperti itu, gak heran jika Kabupaten Pandeglang ini memiliki potensi wisata alam yang amat menarik mulai dari pantai yang indah, pegunungan yang eksotik, air terjun, sungai, serta tidak lupa wisata kuliner.
Jadi Ayo Kita Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang!

Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action

Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk membantu kamu berpaling dari mimpi dan membuatnya menjadi kenyataan -stop dreaming start action :

1. Meyakini Mimpimu

2. Tulislah Daftar Mimpi-Mimpimu

3. Memulai Tindakan (Start Action)

So What are you waiting for, Stop Dreaming Start Action.

(Sumber :

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang | Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati | Oes Tsetnoc

Monument of Governor Suryo

Statue Monument of Governor Suryo
is the respect presentation to the first East Java Governor who had killed caused of PKI rebellion in Madiun 1948. This monument located in accurate Apsari Park Complex Gubernur Suryo Street in front of Grahadi State Building.

Under that statue, there is Speech inscription at November 9th 1945 on 23.00 Pm in Nirom Broadcast, Embong Malang Street Surabaya (Nowadays is JW Marriott Hotel), that written: "Repeatedly we have told that our position is better fallen to pieces than colonized again. Also now in face ultimatum of English, we will hold firmly this position. We still refuse the ultimatum”.

It had declared on 10 November 1979 by Governor of the Chief of Region I of East Java Soenandar Prijosoedarmo. This monument had built by the chief of Region II of East Java Drs. Moenadji Widjaja initiative and the participation of Surabaya public.
Around this monument, applied as place of youngster gathering from various hobby clubs like motor devotee, car, etc, in the weekend. So invite the foods and drink merchants to take apart in it.

Recall Event of Madiun
Madiun event (Madiun Affairs) be a hardness conflict that happened in East Java in September - December 1948. This event had started with a proclamation of Soviet State of Republic Indonesia on 18 Septembers 1948 in Madiun by Muso, a whip Communist Indonesia with supported also by The Minister of Defense at that time, Amir Sjarifuddin.
At the same time there were abduction event of the elite figure in Madiun, also civil figure, government military and also religion figures. There were still controversies about this event. A number of people feel that PKI had masterminding this event but actually this event had engineering by New Era government (and some of Old Era perpetrators).

Help bargain from Dutch
In the early of Madiun conflict, Dutch government pretense offer a help to put to rout the rebellion, but the bargain clearly refused by republic government of Indonesia. The head of Indonesia military even consider, Dutch would soon exploit the situation to do total attack to armed strength of the Republic of Indonesia. Of course the left group that include Amir Syarifuddin Harahap, had built the strength to face the Government RI, what alleged have tended to stand up for AS.

After the proclamation of Indonesia independence by 17 Augusts 1945, emerge various organizations constructing their cadres, including left factions and Socialist faction. Besides merged into Pesindo (Indonesia Socialist Young Man), Indonesia Socialist Organization (PSI), there is also other left batches, for example Newsgroup Pecked, that initiative by Dayno, who live in Patuk, Yogyakarta. The follower of this newsgroup is not only from civil class like DN. Aidit, Syam Kamaruzzaman, but then also from military class and even some brigade commandants, for example Colonel Joko Suyono, Lieutenant Colonel Sudiarto (Brigade Commandant III, Division III), Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto (Brigade Commandant X, Division III. Then also become Commandant Wehrkreis III, and become President RI), Lieutenant Colonel Dahlan, Captain Suparjo, Captain Abdul Latief and Captain Untung Samsuri

In May 1948 with Suripno, the Indonesia agent in Praha, Musso, return from Moskow, Rusia. Date of 11 Augusts, Musso arrive at Yogyakarta and soon occupy again position of the leader in Indonesia Communist Organization. Many socialist politicians and troop commander had joint forces with Musso, such as; Mr. Amir Sjarifuddin Harahap, dr. Setiajid, newsgroup Patuk, etc.
The actions of each other kidnap and kill taking its rise, and each party expressed, that other party was starting the action.
Many heroic TNI, heroic police, religion leader, religious marionettes in Madiun and its surroundings had kidnapped and murdered.
Date of 10 Septembers 1948, East Java Governor RM Ario Soerjo (RM Suryo) car and 2 cars of heroic police were interdicted by the follower of PKI in Ngawi. To the third people had murdered and their dead body thrown in forest.
And so do dr. Muwardi from left faction, kidnapped and murdered. The accusation is thrown, that other party had doing the action.
Among who become the victim is Colonel Marhadi which his name is now immortalized with a Monument that stand in the middle of plaza Madiun city and name of main road in Madiun city.

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang | Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati | Oes Tsetnoc

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Cara memasang dasi

Buat mas jamil, dah ketemu neh cara memakai dasi selain yang sering mas kasih tau ke aya. Mudah2an aj aya bisa belajar secepatnya, hehehe.

Bisnis Pulsa Eranet | Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang | Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati | Oes Tsetnoc

MUI: Rokok Haram

Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) akhirnya mengeluarkan fatwa bahwa rokok haram untuk anak-anak, remaja dan wanita hamil. Rokok juga diharamkan di tempat umum.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="417" caption="Stop Smoking"]Stop Smoking[/caption]

"Rokok diharamkan bagi anak-anak, remaja, wanita hamil. Merokok di tempat umum juga haram," ujar Wakil Ketua Komisi Fatwa MUI Ali Mustafa Ya'qub menjelaskan hasil Ijtima' Ulama Fatwa III MUI di Kabupaten Padang Panjang, Padang, Sumatera Barat.

Sedangkan rokok bagi selain anak-anak, remaja, wanita hamil, dan di tempat umum, Ali mengatakan ada 2 pendapat yang terbelah.

"Ada yang mengatakan haram dan ada yang makruh. Makruh itu perlu ditinggalkan," jelas Guru Besar Ilmu Hadis Institut Ilmu al-Qur’an (IIQ) ini.

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Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang | Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati | Oes Tsetnoc